Luck doesn’t exist.

As everyone is getting back to work after the holidays I have been spending my time in Australia.
But don’t worry, I’ve been busy as well. Its not all fish and chips and video games.
It is interesting being here, out of my element, away from my fiancee, things and ways to procrastinate.

Its tough but it has helped me become a better person. how?
Well since I am away from so much, its just like a clean slate. I have been out of the rhythm of life for 2 months so I can create a new rhythm for myself. Iv’e started eating better. In fact last week the only liquid I drunk was water. Now when I taste soda, all I taste is sugar. I used to drink a lot of water anyway, but this is just a deeper step.

I brush my teeth 3 times a day! 3 times! I still have to look into whether this is healthy or not though, don’t want to be destroying my tooth enamel. But its good, who does that? After every meal I am brushing my teeth.

Iv’e started working out. I don’t think I am going to look like Arnold any time soon, nor would I want to. But being a little bit more tone and leaner is feeling good… just about as much as it hurts.

I’m still working on my sleep schedule. Iv’e never done that right. Always been up at strange time and asleep at stranger times.

But through all this, I am preparing, preparing for an influx of people who will know my name some day. Iv’e got a video series waiting to be released. I just have to press a button. I’m working on new material for future songs/videos. Iv’e been beefing up my site, more secure, better infer-structure etc.

And Iv’e been training my voice. Pushing those high notes so they sound right and working on my divers-ability.
All this, and not getting paid a dime to do it. Just doing it because I know it has to be done for my dream to become a reality which is making a living from my original music.

Now here is the funny thing, I don’t know if this trip to Australia is going to be a success in terms of being more widely known and being able to make a living from my music. But what I do know, is that I am prepared. Iv’e never been so prepared in my life, for anything! I took ‘drivers theory’ in Holland 7 times.

See luck doesn’t exist. People don’t come out of no where and succeed long term due to this magical word called luck. Luck really is preparation meets opportunity.

So come at me oppertunity. I’m ready.


Security is most important

The reason I clean installed my site is because I was worried that there might be security risks which could both suck for me and for you.

But have no fear, I’ve beefed it up considerably. So unless someone really has it in for me, my site should be safe for human viewing.

1am.  I’m gonna go pass out now.

Gotta break a few eggs to make a good omelet

I flushed my site, and cleaned it up a bit.
Still working on it at the moment.
So just take it easy ok! It will be back to normal soon.

Things ive learned the hard way about resetting your site…
Save the pictures
Save any .htmls that arnt inside your wordpress theme.
Make sure you have your old theme ready to go and install.
remember the plugins you were using.

Thats all I’ve got for now. My posts are still here, but the images are just gone some how.
So if you want pics, your just going to have to wait for new content or use your imagination.


Life has been super hectic here in Australia. Family everywhere, parties and people moving house.. but I still managed to get myself locked up in love. Below are some photos but make sure to scroll down for the video!

This is our usual selves, she being Sexy, he being drunk off of red soda.

I took her up to a secluded area and read her a poem I wrote her in a book she gave me filled with the things we have done.

I got down on 1 knee and let her know my intentions

she said yes.

This is how I felt.

Fonts for the ‘Chocolatier’ EP

I’ve started some font design work for my next EP called ‘Chocolatier’. The theme obviously is chocolate, and I need to decide on a font that will portray what I am trying to get across. Once the font has been chosen then I can look into the rest of the design to make it match.

A fantastic place to find fonts is There are a tonne of free ones, some paid and some donation based fonts. Ive sifted through most of them whilst listening to my new favorite artists Marc Broussard. Who actually looks quite like this guy from who is an Australian celebrity… here let me show you how uncanny the resemblance is….

they even tilt their head the same way.


Anyway back to Fonts… Here is what I am looking at.

dafont fonts


I’m really liking the last font. It was created by Steven j. Lundeen of emerald City Fontwerks.
It has a home made feel to it as well as an old feel. Kind of reminds me of old ladies who make their own jam.

and its not that I want you to think of old lady jam jam made by old ladies. Its more the feeling of,

I made this with my heart and I want to share it with you.’

Anyway, what do you think of the font? Should I choose another one? Any suggestions?

If you would like to have this font, you can find it for free at

Ok, time for some toast I think.







the calm before the storm

I haven’t been updating much over the last month.

But it is not because I am not working. Ive been working quite hard. The EP is nearly done in the recording stages. I haven’t told you much about it yet, still a little hush hush.

So if you feel like your missing out, you can always see what Im up to on twitter @adamhoek and on facebook .

I am nearly in concept art stage!





CopperSky Camino Cover

A while back, I interviewed Coppersky.
I saw them play live and really digged their sound.
Well it turns out I’m not the only one! Recently they have been featured on 3FM(a dutch radio station) as Serious Talent. I’m pretty excited for them. I had a chat with them about it and they have been booking a lot of gigs. Recently they played at FlevoFestival which was pretty sweet! Tonight they are playing at Flevover in amsterdam at dwazeZaken around 21:10 (9pm)
I will be going and should be around there at 5:30pm. Feel free to come by and have a listen! Lynn is the first group at 6pm.

Anyway, to celebrate coppersky getting big I decided to finally record that cover that I promised them a while back.
check it out below.

Coppersky Camino Cover by ADAMHOEK by ADAMHOEK
Make sure to visit and tell them they are awesome!

See you all tonight at DwazeZaken!