After I released my new solo cd at XRDS on Easter Sunday, I was approached by a man with a smile from ear to ear.
His name was Benny(that is still his name) and he was making a movie. After some chats over the next few weeks/months we decided that my music would be great for a film he is working on. I wont release much detail about the project because I don’t know how much I can tell. But from what I know it is sounding pretty awesome!
We are working on a selection of my songs for this movie, some old and some brand new.
Below is a recording of a song I will send him right after I write this article. You guys are getting it first!
So what do you think of it? Tell me below in the comments! Also dont forget to get a free copy of this song and others here!
P.S I’ve set up a promotional code during this fathers day season for a 20% discount on my t-shirts! the code is ‘dad2010’ make sure you get your t-shirts before fathers day before the deal ends! Also, if you buy 5 or more you get free shipping!